anticipating the holidays
Dear Students,
Thanksgiving is coming up, and soon after that the winter holidays will be upon us. We could all use a break from the intensity of the semester, but for many of us the holiday season can stir up other sources of stress.
We miss loved ones we have lost. Gift-giving and gift-receiving are never as easy as they sound. Plus, winter break can be a long time to be away from friends, romantic partners, mentors and support people on campus.
Sometimes we simply feel down, disappointed, or lonely during the holidays and we don't even know why.
That's normal. It's also really hard. But there are lots of good resources and supports out there to help.
This list of mental health resources for the holidays is a great one.
Do you know about 741741? It's a 24/7 crisis help text line. Just text the word 'home' to be connected to a a counselor. There are other similar online resources on our website.
Don't hesitate to reach out to friends. And don't hesitate to say no when you need to. Find ways to rest and play that are truly restorative: be kind to your body, go outside, snuggle with a pet, journal, draw, read, listen to music, eat a favorite meal.
And finally, talking to a counselor about how to cope with holiday stress and how you can take care of yourself during the break can also help! You know how to reach us. Call the front desk, 717-544-9051, or if you already have a connection with one of the counselors on staff, email us directly. Walk in hours are every weekday from 1 - 2 pm, during which you don't need an appointment. Just come on over.
Lauren, Susan, Katharina, Meagan, Alexis, Kelly and Gene
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