a Maslow refresher for this scary moment 3.19.21

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology
Dear Students, 

Have you ever encountered Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? It's a way to conceptualize what motivates us; the bottom of the triangle represents our most basic needs, and the more complex social and emotional needs are at the top. The idea is that it's hard to work towards self-actualization if you don't have clean air to breathe or nourishing food to eat. 

You might notice Safety is down towards the bottom. It's the very next thing we seek after our fundamental needs - the stuff that keeps us alive - are met. 

Very few, if any, Asian American and international Asian members of our community woke up feeling safe this morning. The shootings in Atlanta were the latest tragic example of a xenophobic anti-Asian hatred that has been erupting with shocking regularity in our country. 

And if you aren't safe, it's hard to dedicate all your brain power to academics. Or to texting someone back, or showing up for a meeting. It might feel extra hard to engage in 'regular life' things. When the safety of our loved ones, our communities, and our own bodies is in question, we simply don't have the same kind of resources available to pursue the items at the tippy top of Maslow's pyramid.

But check out that yellow Love and Belonging stripe. It's right above Safety. While we can't always protect everyone from the cruelties of the world, we can let them know that we see and appreciate them. We can reach out for support and connection when we need it. Every student can actively partake in this community's care by using our words and gestures to remind us that we all belong here

Love is amazing. It really takes the edge off fear.

If you feel angry, scared, sad, worried, shocked, or fundamentally unsafe - if you are having trouble focusing on your final exams and projects this week - do not hesitate to reach out for support. We are here to listen. Struggling right now makes perfect sense - please don't carry it all alone.

Lauren, Susan, Katharina, Meagan, Alexis, Kelly and Gene


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