a gentle reminder 3.5.21
Dear Students,
The sun is shining, but it's not yet spring. The alert level dropped to moderate, but our lives are not yet free from pandemic anxiety and limitation. Everything can feel so...relentless.
Here is what we'd like to remind you of on this chilly March afternoon:
1. It's normal to be tired of this. It's normal to feel lonely. It's normal even if you haven't suffered to the same degree as others over the past year. Comparing pain is useless. Your feelings, no matter the circumstance, are valid.
2. This is HARD. It doesn't stop being hard just because we've gotten used to some aspects of pandemic life. We are social animals. It's still hard!!
3. You are deserving of care and compassion. Our negative emotions are adaptive; they are there to call our attention to something amiss that needs our nurturing. Treat yourself as you would someone you love unconditionally, like a younger sibling or best friend or favorite pet. Slow down, take a hot shower, eat a good meal, go outside, journal, draw, listen to music, talk to someone who is a good listener.
We're all struggling with feeling drained. Look for ways to fill your cup back up to the brim.
Maybe we can help with that? Call the Student Wellness Center at 717-544-9051 if you'd like to schedule an appointment with a counselor.
Lauren, Susan, Katharina, Meagan, Alexis, Gene and Kelly
p.s. Join us for our upcoming event in the Let's Talk! series: a primer on CBT, or Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It will be held over zoom on Wednesday March 10th at 3 pm. All students are welcome! https://fandm.zoom. us/j/97809018072
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