seniors! we see you ❤️ 2.5.21

 Dear Students, 

This week's edition is a special shout out to our seniors who are graduating at the end of this year. You are now squarely inside of your very last semester of college, anticipating what comes next. How amazing! How ...weird. 

Up until now, chances are the next step was always obvious. Adults planned it all out for you. After middle school? Well, high school, of course. And after high school, college. And after college?...hmm. Unclear. You knew that one day you'd come to the end of this chapter of your life, and may have even looked forward to it eagerly at times. But right now, it might be feeling a lot more real.

Whether you're a student who knows the career path she wants to take, or the graduate school he wants to attend, or the fellowship they hope to win - or if you are a student who has absolutely no clue what happens next, and feels hesitant to even begin to think about it let alone consider the assignment due next week - whatever happens next is something that you have never experienced before. It feels uncertain and maybe even scary because it is. You have never been a college graduate before! And the world has never known you in that way. 

It's a big deal! And it's okay if you feel weird. You haven't had a chance yet to stretch your non-student wings, so you may wonder if they even exist. Trust us, they do. (Don't worry, we won't get into soaring eagle metaphors...though we counselors are so proud and full-hearted and misty-eyed when it comes to our amazing graduating seniors.) Instead we'll just stick with today: take a breath.Take another. Talk to your friends, mentors, teachers and coaches. Take a walk. Feel the sun on your face. Take another breath. You are being-a-student and anticipating-not-being-a-student at the same time; it's a lot. See if you can feel it all, if only for a moment. Being present for this transition will be worth it.

Call if we can help: 717-544-9051. We love to be with you just as you are, and we celebrate your preparation to fly the nest. (Couldn't help that one). 

Lauren, Susan, Katharina, Meagan, Alexis, Kelly and Gene


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