Anxious? It's okay, we all are! 8.28.20
Dear Students,
This message is for all you quarantiners out there - especially extended quarantiners.
Some of you may be introverts enjoying the quiet after being cooped up for months with family members in spaces that felt WAY too small. For those who need alone time to recharge, the isolation might feel okay, and even welcome.
But for many of you, being alone for days on end is hard. Really hard. It's probably not an experience you've had before. Even with screens and texts and calls, and trips to the bathroom for a slight change of scenery, it might leave you feeling lonely. Or a bit anxious. Or really anxious. Waiting for a test result can be nerve-wracking; waiting for the 'real' experience of college to begin is tough. Transitions are stressful, and most of us simply don't spend this much time with our own thoughts without social engagement and distraction.
Whether you are still quarantining because of the state you traveled from, or an insufficient covid test sample, or you have just completed three days alone in your room and are emerging back into the world, it's important for you to know that struggling with quarantine is COMPLETELY normal. There's isn't a thing wrong with you. It's just hard.
If your anxiety level is on the rise, try engaging in something that calms your body or releases extra tension. You can't think your way out of a stressed-out body; instead tap into your physical experience to find more peacefulness.
And one nice thing about quarantine is that you don't need to worry about anyone seeing you look silly! Yoga, meditation, dancing, deep breathing exercises, singing, stretching, martial arts, jumping jacks, and mindful movement can all help calm your nervous system. Can't hurt to try.
AND it can't hurt to try counseling!
We are anxiety experts. You are a you expert. Together we can support you and help you find more balance and ease in this strange pandemic college life. Call the front desk of the Student Wellness Center 717-544-9051 if you'd like to schedule a telehealth appointment.
In the meantime: we see you. We care about you. You're doing this!
Lauren, Susan, Katharina, Meagan, Gene, Alexis, and Kelly
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